The safety of the people who work with Spencer Group every day across the country is our top priority. Whether they’re on site or in the office, directly employed or one of our delivery partners everyone deserves to get home safe, every day. We work on a diverse array of projects, often in highly challenging environments where safety performance is paramount.
Our focus is to identify risk at the outset and seek to eliminate it where possible with our design and construction philosophy. Putting people to work safely requires a multi-dimensional approach to ensure people are fit and competent to undertake the task required, familiar with their working environment and the task and equipment to be used whilst demonstrating positive safety behaviours in their daily activities. Creating a positive safety culture on every site is key to ensure we deliver best in class safety performance. And we can always do better……
We operate a ‘Make safe, don’t make do’ behavioural safety programme to promote a positive safety culture across our business and projects. Our process and procedures comply with industry standards in safety, quality, environmental and collaboration, essential elements in the creation of a rigorous safety culture that values everyone’s opinion and recognises the contribution we can all make to ensure we keep people safe.Communication is key. Encouraging people to report “close calls” (any situation or potential occurrence that has the potential to cause injury) is key to driving safety performance. We deliver communication training to build confidence amongst our workforce to raise safety issues and concerns and by conducting weekly joint safety tours and forming Safety Action Groups with representation from supply partners involved in delivery at the face we ensure we act on all opportunities for improvement.
Maintaining wellbeing and mental health is important to us and we have our “Active Programme” to promote exercise of body and mind with free classes in pilates, meditation and spinning in addition to team sports after work such as five a side football to provide recovery from our daily pressures. We provide team allowances twice a year for team building events to provide an opportunity for colleagues to get together outside the working environment and enjoy new and varied experiences. We also provide free fruit to all of our offices and site to actively promote the adoption of a healthy diet amongst our workforce and offer a free annual health check to all our employees. We also operate a ‘variflex’ system of flexible working, to allow our employees to adjust their working hours to fit around their personal lives more effectively, to achieve a better work/life balance.
We are also active in the communities in which we work. Whether these communities are industry or geographical we recognise the positive role we can play in sharing best practise for the benefit of others. That’s why we are members of safety forums and actively contribute in the development of new initiatives and programmes that can improve safety performance.
We are a passionate believer that safety performance drives project performance and that our industry can bring about a step change in safety performance. We are ready to lead this transformation.
Spencer Group are fully certified to ISO45001