Management Service Contracts
Whilst Spencer has sector leading expertise across a diverse range of engineering disciplines, one of our greatest strengths as a company is the quality and professionalism of our planning and project management departments. They work in tandem with our engineers and designers to ensure that projects run smoothly, and are vital to our way of working – delivering projects from start to finish. Through their work, we have developed extraordinary capabilities in managing large, complex and high value schemes from conception through to delivery.

We love to work on projects from design to delivery, but we also love a challenge, and can go up a gear to deliver projects that aren’t even on the drawing board yet. Our teams have extensive experience in working from the very earliest stages: Creating concepts, sourcing suitable locations, obtaining planning permission and securing grants and other funding sources. From there, we can then create more of the work for which we are famous – designing, building and commissioning what we created at the very start.

Energy Works is a prime example of our capability: Spencer Group followed the journey from idea, to procuring a suitable site, developing an investable design, securing planning permission, to funding and sourcing a suitable EPC to deliver the vison. Now it is well on the way to completion as a £200m Energy from Waste plant, powering the equivalent of 43,000 homes and processing 240,000 tonnes of waste per year.