Early Contractor Involvement
Our Early Contractor Involvement process ensures that we are engaged in the project at the earliest opportunity, often before reaching the design stage, to help shape the technical development of the project.
This may include developing a number of options, preparing initial engineering proposals and providing budget and programming support. This approach can yield greater construction cost certainty and a reduced risk profile as a result of contractors involvement with the clients team at a much earlier stage than a traditional procurement approach may provide.
Adopting this approach ensures constructability, safety during construction and asset maintenance considerations feature right from the beginning of the project inception. Our ability to design and construct with our own in-house resources ensures these areas are addressed as part of our ECI approach.
Initial investment costs in the ECI stage are minimal leading to agile business case proposal preparation which if approved, enable rapid mobilisation onto detailed design and/or construction phases due to the familiarity of the contractor with the project.
ECI appointments can also be tendered quickly and efficiently, enabling a client to appoint a contractor that can support the design and build process whilst still enabling market testing of price competitiveness.
On completion of ECI the client may wish to have the ability to traditionally tender the works to secure the market price for the service they require and this can be an integral part of the ECI approach adopted from the outset. Alternatively, the client can elect to progress to the delivery phase adopting a form of contract that best reflects the nature of the project work scope.