Quality Observation

A Quality Observation is a way of reporting quality issues to prevent defective product or works from reaching the client. The form can also be used to report good quality works and knowledge sharing. Reporting of quality observations allows best practices to be shared, continual improvement to be made and lessons to be learned to prevent recurrence within the business.

Please note this system is not a replacement for Non-Conformance reports which should be produced as normal. It is hoped this system will flag up items that may otherwise be missed. Where possible a photo should be included to show the observation.

Example categories of quality observations
• Incorrect or missing documentation
• Incorrect drawings
• Damaged/incorrect materials
• Tools out of calibration
• Missing certification
• Design clashes
• Works not to specification
• Good items of work
• Tidy work site
• Processes that worked well

Please contact the SHEQ department if you have any other concerns or queries sheq@thespencergroup.co.uk

Report a Quality Observation

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